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5 reasons make you love cinnamon

who doesn’t love a sprinkling of cinnamon on fresh apple pie or atop a chai latte?  It’s just one of those spices that tastes fantastic.  But taste is not the only reason to love cinnamon.  Here are healthy reasons to love this super spice

Benefits of cinnamon


 In sum, the utilization of Cinnamon extract to inhibit both growth and urease activity of H. pylori in-vitro has in our hands proved to be more effective than thyme extract10-11. The efficiency of Cinnamon extracts in liquid medium and its resistance to low pH levels may enhance its effect in an environment such as the human stomach


The volatile gas phase of combinations of Cinnamon oil and clove oil showed good potential to inhibit growth of spoilage fungi, yeast and bacteria


Weight Reducer 

Cinnamon apparently has the effect of thinning your blood thereby increasing blood circulation. Increased blood flow generally boosts your metabolism which is why it may be helpful in weight loss. This blood thinning property of Cinnamon also helps it in acting as an anti clotting agent especially for those suffering from heart disease. 

Lowering LDL cholesterol & triglyceride

 According to a Mayo clinic article the only possible way Cinnamon could lower cholesterol is indirectly via how the body processes sugar and fat. But there is no direct effect on cholesterol. Still another study in Pakistan found Cinnamon reduced triglyceride (23-30%), LDL cholesterol (7-27%), and total cholesterol (12-26%). A review in 2011 found The consumption of cinnamon is associated with a statistically significant decrease in levels of total cholesterol, LDL-C, and triglyceride levels, and an increase in HDL-C (the good cholesterol) levels


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